Safeguarding is taken seriously by Felixstowe United Reformed Church. We define safeguarding as the promotion of the safety and welfare of children and adults who are at risk of, or experiencing, harm, abuse or neglect in all forms. We acknowledge children’s and adults’ right to protection from any form of abuse or neglect regardless of age, gender reassignment, race, disability, sexual orientation, religion or belief, marriage/civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity. Therefore, as members and workers of the church, we are committed to

·        the care and nurture of all children and adults,
·        the safeguarding and protection of all children and adults at risk,   
·        the establishment of a loving church environment which is safe and caring for all people and where the dignity of each person is respected,
·        an informed vigilance about the dangers of all forms of abuse, harm and neglect 
within all aspects of work in the Church, and how to respond appropriately,
·        ensuring everyone who engages with the life of the Church is responsible for keeping people safe,
·        working together with voluntary/statutory agencies and other denominations and faith-based organisations.
·        Working within the guidelines of URC Good Practice 6

FURC April 2024